School Policies

Ensuring Excellence through Clear Guidelines and Standards

At Canadian International School Bangladesh, we are committed to creating a safe, respectful, and conducive learning environment for all our students. Our comprehensive school policies are designed to uphold our values of integrity, inclusivity, and academic excellence. These policies provide clear guidelines for students, parents, and staff, ensuring that everyone in our community understands their rights and responsibilities. From academic standards to behavioral expectations, our policies are in place to support the holistic development of our students and to foster a community of mutual respect and collaboration.

Canadian International School Bangladesh

Academic Integrity Policy

Mission Statement

Through the promotion of academic excellence, CISB strives to develop individuals for our society who, through understanding, tolerance, and respect, will help to create a safe place where children become lifelong learners, where excellence is tempered with compassion, and where success is moderated by spiritual understanding. grade, which will be lowered.


A behavior contract will be signed by the student, the parents, the Principal which will state that any further instances of malpractice will result in removal of school support with the University/College applications, nor will students receive any recommendations regarding character/academic ability.



Should a second malpractice occur the school WILL remove any support with the University/College applications and WILL not provide the student any recommendations regarding character/academic ability for their application process.


Repeating malpractice in any form in any other course may result in the removal of the student from the Canadian International School Bangladesh.


For students on a first incident of malpractice involving plagiarism, the teacher may, at her or his discretion, allow a student to resubmit an assessment. In all other cases, there shall be no rewriting or resubmission of assessments, and NO GRADE will be given.  Extenuating circumstances shall be presented to and decided upon by the Principal.

Late Submission:

Extensions will only be granted  by the DPC on the following grounds (with supporting documentation to be provided:

  • Acute illness – e.g. hospital admission, serious illness, severe anxiety or depression. Does not include minor illness such as mild cold. A medical certificate must be provided.
  • Loss or bereavement – e.g. death of a close family member, family relationship breakdown. A death notice or certificate must be provided.

For all assessment items handed in after the official due date, and without an agreed extension, a 10% penalty applies to the student’s mark for that assessment item for the first day (or part thereof) after the due date of submission. After that, a penalty of 10% per day (or part thereof) will be applied for each day after the due date.



  • IB DP Student Contract


IB DP Student Contract

To reinforce the partnership between home and school, each year all IB students and for tutors sign a home -school agreement.

IB Students agree that they will:

  • Use common courtesy, good manners and show respect for themselves, their peers and their
  • Act as role models to other students at all times;
  • attend regularly and arrive at registration on time;
  • wear the uniform correctly and bring the correct equipment each day;
  • work hard to achieve targets set with teachers;
  • help other students by allowing every teacher to teach and every learner to learn;
  • behave well in and out of class, follow the code of conduct and meet the school’s expectations;
  • respect and care for others and their property (including school property);
  • care for their planner and record all homework details; give their best effort on all tasks;
  • meet all deadlines for handing in homework, Internal Assessments and their Extended Essay;
  • find out what opportunities are available to them and participate where possible;
  • pass all letters, notes and reports to parents on the day they are issued;
  • talk with parents and teachers about any concerns in
  • Would not Plagiarize anyone’s work, also use proper referencing and citation where needed.

I have read the CISB student code of conduct and learner profile and agree to abide by its provisions. I understand and agree with the disciplinary procedures of the school. I have read the guidelines for the appropriate and ethical use of ICT facilities at CISB and agree to abide by its provisions.

Name of Student (print)

Signed (Student)                                                                                                   Date

_________________________________                            _____________________________

On behalf of the school, form tutors make a commitment that the school will:


  • provide a safe and stimulating environment;
  • do our best to ensure that individuals fulfill his/her potential as a learner and as a member of the school community;
  • offer a broad and balanced curriculum to students of all abilities;
  • encourage all students to take responsibility for their own actions, feel proud of their achievements and enjoy being a student at the school;
  • keep parents informed about student’s progress and general school matters;
  • insist that all students observe the school’s behaviour and anti-bullying policies;
  • set regular homework and provide suitable facilities for homework to be done at school;

_______________________________________                                     ____________________________________

            Signature (Parent)                                                                                                           Date

              ___________________________________________                                          ________________________________________

            Signature (Student)                                                                                                        Date




      Reference & Bibliography

  • Academic Honesty Policy (2011, 2012), Published by International Baccalaureate Organization.
  • Effective Citing and Referencing (2014), Published by International Baccalaureate Organization.
  • Academic Honesty: Guidance for Schools, (2003, 2011), Published by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
  • Academic Honesty in Diploma Program Arts (2012), Published by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
  • IB DP Academic Honesty Guide: Academic Honesty in Diploma Program Music, Theatre and Visual Arts.


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Canadian International School Bangladesh

Assessment Policy

Mission Statement


Through the promotion of academic excellence, CISB strives to develop individuals for our society who, through understanding, tolerance, and respect, will help to create a safe place where children become lifelong learners, where excellence is tempered with compassion, and where success is moderated by spiritual understanding.

* IBDP exams start at the end of April, 2024


  1. IBO, Diploma Program assessment procedures
  2. American School of Milan in our preparation of this policy.
  3. Footnote 1: IBO, Guidelines for developing a school assessment policy in the Diploma Program, 2010
  4. Soft landing Guide from Nova Scotia, January 2020.


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Canadian International School Bangladesh

Inclusion Policy

Mission Statement


Through the promotion of academic excellence, CISB strives to develop individuals for our society who, through understanding, tolerance, and respect, will help to create a safe place where children become lifelong learners, where excellence is tempered with compassion, and where success is moderated by spiritual understanding.  Inclusion


Inclusion is an ongoing process that aims to increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers. This can only be successfully achieved in a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, support and problem solving. Inclusion is the learner profile in action, an outcome of dynamic earning communities. Inclusion is more about responding positively to each individual’s unique leaning needs. Inclusion is designed to prevent the marginalization of historically oppressed student groups.

The IB supports the following principles of an inclusive education:

  • Inclusion is a process by which schools and others develop their cultures, policies and practices to include all students
  • An inclusive education service offers excellence and choice, incorporating the views of all stakeholders
  • The interests of all students must be safeguarded
  • The school community and other authorizing bodies should actively seek to remove barriers to learning and participation
  • All students should have access to an appropriate education that affords them the opportunity to achieve their personal potential
  • With the right skill training, strategies and support, the majority of students with special educational needs can receive an education within the general education setting


Confidentiality applies to all verbal and written information about potential, enrolling and previously enrolled children and their families. All staff will be briefed on the need for confidentiality and will be expected to fulfill their obligation to respect the protection of privacy. Written records will be stored in a secure location with access limited to the principal and the DP Coordinator. No information will be released about a child and the parent/legal guardian during enrolment or transition to another receiving program or school without first receiving the written permission of the parent/guardian.


  1. Success for all learners, Manitoba Education document, 1996
  2. Access and Inclusion Policy, IB, 2018
  3. Learning diversity and inclusion in IB programs, 2016


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Canadian International School Bangladesh

Language Policy

Mission Statement


Through the promotion of academic excellence, CISB strives to develop individuals for our society who, through understanding, tolerance, and respect, will help to create a safe place where children become lifelong learners, where excellence is tempered with compassion, and where success is moderated by spiritual understanding.

Language Celebrations

To promote Mother Tongue of our students as well as the host country, CISB sets aside 2 weeks in February for students to explore and learn about language. The first week is Literacy week where students explore their own Mother Tongue, their culture and the literature that relates to them.  They are then given time to develop their own “stories” and present these at the culmination exhibition.  This exhibition is in conjunction with February 21st – International Mother Tongue Day.  Parents are invited to come and share their stories and culture during these two weeks to the various classes in the school and then at the end when the exhibition of student work is displayed.

CISB is also involved in encouraging students to participate in the annual Francophonie Week with Alliance Francaise of Dhaka, French School of Dhaka and Canadian High Commission.



1.Baker C. 2000. A parents’ and teachers’ guide to bilingualism. Clevedon, UK. Multilingual Matters. Corson D. 1999. Language Policy in Schools: A Resource for Teachers and Administrators. Mahwah, New Jersey. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

2.The following documents were used in the process of developing this policy:

3.IBO. (2014), Middle Years Program: Language acquisition guide.

  1. IBO. (2013), Cardiff: International Baccalaureate Organization.

5.Diploma Program: Language B Guide.

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Canadian International School Bangladesh

Admission Policy

Mission Statement

Through the promotion of academic excellence, CISB strives to develop individuals for our society who, through understanding, tolerance, and respect, will help to create a safe place where children become lifelong learners, where excellence is tempered with compassion, and where success is moderated by spiritual understanding.

     References :

  • International Baccalaureate, (2015), Diploma Programme Assessment Procedures.
  • International Baccalaureate, Diploma Programme: From principles into practice.
  • (IBO Website), Establish an IB policy that recognizes achievement within the IB Diploma Programme.
  • We acknowledge the support of the American School of Milan in our preparation of this policy.

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